Charge into Reading Decodable Readers
Grounded in the Science of Reading and designed in consultation with Orton-Gillingham trained literacy specialist Marisa Ware, the Charge into Reading Decodable Readers take the guesswork out of learning to read!
Free Decodable Readers: Download Your Copy Today!
Not Bugs!: A CVC Beginning Reader
Dan and his dog Kip are in the bog. When Kip tips the log Dan is on, what will happen? Find out in this CVC decodable reader, perfect for children who are ready to begin sounding out mixed-short vowel words!
The Map: A CVC Beginning Reader
When Val finds a map, she's eager to seek out the treasure it leads to. But Ben is convinced the map has a hex on it. Can he convince Val that the map is bad news? Find out in this CVC decodable reader, perfect for children who are ready to begin sounding out words.
Download your CVC book
Now available as a foldable version! Just print double-sided and fold.
Clem and Cram: A Consonant Blends Decodable Reader
It's show-and-tell at school. But what do Bren and Fred have to show? Find out in this consonant blends decodable reader, perfect for children who are ready to begin decoding or "sounding out" consonant blends.
The Sled: A Consonant Blends Decodable Reader
Trent wants to sled, but can he get his sled up the hill? Find out in this consonant blends decodable reader, perfect for children who are ready to begin decoding or "sounding out" consonant blends.
Not Yet: A Digraph Decodable Reader
Brock loves stacking bricks and blocks. But what does he really have in mind for his stack? Find out in this digraphs decodable reader, perfect for children who have mastered consonant blends and are ready to begin reading digraphs.
The Cake Mistake: A Long Vowel VCE Decodable Reader
Luke likes to bake. But will happen when he makes a big mistake? Find out in this Long Vowel VCE decodable reader, perfect for children who have mastered consonant blends and digraphs and ready to begin decoding magic e words.
The Site: A Long Vowel VCE Decodable Reader
Blake and Wade have a job to do. What will happen when Blake decides she can complete the task alone? Find out in this Long Vowel VCE decodable reader, perfect for children who have mastered consonant blends and digraphs and are ready to begin decoding Magic E Words.
The Slope: Long Vowel VCE Decodable Reader
Dave and Lane are hiking. But what will happen when they reach a slope they can't scale? Find out in this Long Vowel VCE Decodable reader, perfect for children who have mastered consonant blends and digraphs and are ready to begin decoding Magic E Words.
Catch!: A Word-Ending Spelling Patterns Decodable Reader
What will happen when Butch and Jill try to play catch? Find out in this word-ending spelling patterns decodable reader, perfect for children who have mastered short vowels, digraphs, and VCE words.
Download Your Word-Ending Spelling Patterns Decodable Book
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Get great teaching resources from OG-trained teacher Megan Hughes
Water the Horses: An R-Controlled Vowel Decodable Reader
Harper has a lot of work to do on the farm, but she knows she's forgetting something. Will she remember what she forgot? Find out in the R-Controlled Vowel decodable reader.
Download Your R-Controlled Vowel Decodable Book
Download Your Resource Pack
Get great teaching resources from OG-trained teacher Megan Hughes
The Beach: A Vowel Teams Decodable Reader
Jaylen wants to go to the beach. But what will happen when the beach isn't as fun as expected? Find out in this vowel teams decodable reader, perfect for children who have mastered consonant blends, digraphs, magic E words, word-ending blends, and R-controlled vowels.
No Cats Allowed: A Diphthongs Decodable Reader
Saul does NOT like cats, so when Troy brings one home, Saul is far from happy. But can he convince Trey to get the cat out of the house? Find out in this diphthongs decodable reader, perfect for children who are ready to begin decoding more advanced spelling patterns.
The Fiddle: Advanced Spelling Patterns Decodable Reader
Trey has a knack for writing songs, but what will happen when he has to perform for the first time? Find out in this advanced spelling patterns decodable reader perfect for children who have mastered reading most spelling patterns and are ready to begin decoding more challenging words.
Free Downloadable Decodable Stories
Stage 1: Free CVC Decodable Story Plus CVC Flash Cards
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Stage 1: Free Short Vowel Decodable Stories
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Stage 2: Free Consonant Blends Decodable Story Plus Flashcards
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Stage 2: Clem and Cram: A Free Consonant Blends Decodable Story
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Stage 3: Free Digraphs Decodable Story Plus Flashcards
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Stage 3: Not Yet: A Free Digraph Decodable Story
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Stage 4: The Cake Mistake: A Free Long Vowel VCE Decodable Story
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Stage 6: The Perfect Tart: A Free R-Control Decodable Story
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Stage 7: The Monsoon: A Free Vowel Teams Decodable Story
Download Your Copy Today

UFLI Aligned
Every decodable book series needs to follow a trusted scope and sequence, and ours is most closely aligned with UFLI Foundations. That's why we're so pleased to announce that Charge Mommy Books is now listed on the UFLI Foundations Decodable Text Guide.
But our books are not meant to be used only with UFLI. Because they focus on a single sound or skill at a time, they can easily be used alongside any curriculum.
Free Companion Resources
Thanksgiving Resource Pack
Download Your Thanksgiving PackGet ready to give thanks with this Thanksgiving resource pack featuring a nonfiction, vowel teams Thanksgiving passage, 150+ Thanksgiving words, and Thanksgiving-themed activities for every stage of reading.
Election Resource Pack
Download Your Election PackDive into voting season with this decodable Election resource pack featuring an election passage, a list of election-themed words, an election glossary, and election-themed activities for every stage of reading.
Halloween Resource Pack
Download Your Halloween PackGet ready for Halloween with this decodable Halloween resource pack featuring a nonfiction Vowel Teams story about Halloween, a list of Halloween-themed words, and Halloween-themed activities for every stage of reading.
Spring Resource Pack
Download Your Spring Resource PackJump into spring with this decodable resource pack featuring a nonfiction Vowel Teams story about spring, a list of spring-themed words, and spring-themed activities for every stage of reading.
Winter Resource Pack
Download Your Winter Resource PackSled into winter with this decodable resource pack featuring a nonfiction Vowel Teams story about Winter, a list of winter-themed words, and winter-themed activities for every stage of reading.
Fall Resource Pack
Download Your Fall Resource PackLeap into fall with this decodable resource pack featuring a nonfiction Vowel Teams story about Fall, a list of fall-themed words, and fall-themed activities for every stage of reading.
Back to School Resource Pack
Download your Back to School Resource PackJump back into school with this decodable resource pack featuring a nonfiction Vowel Teams story about school, a list of school-themed words, and school-themed activities for every stage of reading.
Retelling Worksheet
Download Your Retelling WorksheetsTest your child's comprehension with these Charge into Reading Retelling Worksheets that encourage to think about the elements that make up a story.
Phonology Cards
Download Your Phonology CardsPractice spelling with these phonology cards featuring 92 graphemes color-coded to the Charge into Reading Decodable Reading stages.
Reading Log
Download Your Reading LogTrack your child's progress through the Charge into Reading Decodable Readers with this free reading log.
Word Count List
Download Full Word Count ListsCheck your child's reading accuracy with a complete word count for each of our Charge into Reading fiction books.
Free Decodable Reader's Theater: Download Your Copy Today!
Stage 1: The Hot Rod: A Free CVC Decodable Reader's Theater
Download The Hot Rod -
Stage 2: Mumps: A Free Consonant Blends Decodable Reader's Theater
Download Mumps -
Stage 4: Time to Dine: A Free Long Vowel VCE Reader's Theater
Download Time to Dine -
Stage 4: Earth Day: A Free Long Vowel VCE Decodable Readers' Theater
Download Earth Day -
Stage 7: The Stool: A Vowel Teams Decodable Reader's Theater
Download The Stool
Decodable Readers
What the reading specialists are saying . . . "These cvc focused...
Early Reader Books
The Charge into Reading Early Reader system uses simple language, high frequency...
Picture Books
Enter a world of playful, high-quality stories that children can really enjoy....