Short I Words

Written by: Brooke Vitale


Vowel sounds come in two varieties: long vowels and short vowels. When it comes to decoding words, beginning readers most frequently start with short vowels—specifically short A and short I. This is because they are not only the most common vowel sounds, but they are also the short vowels with the fewest spelling variations. Let's take a look at the short I words.

What Is the Short I sound?

The Short I sound in phonics (ĭ) is formed by relaxing the lips and placing the front area of the tongue in the central/upper area of the mouth, as in the picture below.

Because certain accents can make the Short I and Short E sound similar, it is important to enunciate the Short I sound clearly when teaching it to young readers. (For example, the words bit and bet, can sound similar, depending on the speaker’s accent, as can pin and pen.) One way to help young readers see the difference in letters is to say short I words in front of a mirror, paying close attention to the way the mouth moves and the shape it makes.

How to Say the Short I Sound

Before children can learn to read, they must first understand the sound a letter makes. The Short I makes an ih sound, as in itch, igloo, or inside

The best way to teach the Short I sound is by focusing on words that begin with a Short I. This approach is recommended because it is easier for children learning phonics to isolate the first sound in a word than to break a word apart into its individual phonemes (or sounds). Be careful, though, to avoid words beginning with a Long I, such as ice, item, and ivy.

Pro Tip: Learning a letter sound is not the same as learning to read. When your child is ready to start blending words, begin with CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant) words, which feature the Short I in the middle of the word.

When practicing the Short I sound, try saying the words aloud. Encourage your child to repeat back to you the first sound in the word. Then ask them to determine what letter makes that sound. 

Once they have mastered identifying the Short I at the beginning of a word, move on to CVC short I words.

How to Read Short I Words

Children who are just beginning to read and decode words are most likely to encounter the short I in CVC  words. Some examples of CVC short I words include pig, fin, lid, and sit.

As a child’s decoding skills increase they will encounter short I words that contain letter blends. Some common short I words include fish, sing, spin, and list.

Below are more examples of short I words. For short I word lists and short I activities, see the activity section after this article.

fin lid flip skin spit
dish wilt bill miss tin
fib clip mint fish tip
pig glib din chip bin

Short Vowel Decodable Books

Learning to read doesn’t just happen. It takes hard work and a lot of practice to learn how to decode text. More and more, we see parents and teachers turning toward structured literacy and decodable text as a way of teaching children to read.

cover and two sample pages from Charge into Reading Decodable Reader Swim, Tim: Short I Words

Focusing on a single vowel at a time is a great way to cement a child's recognition of what sound a letter makes. For more practice with the short I words, check out Swim, Tim: Short I Decodable Reader, part of the Charge into Reading Short Vowel Decodable Reader Set.

What Are the Short I Word Families?

Children learn to read by blending sounds together. One of the best ways to work on this skill is through the introduction of word families.


A word family is a set of words that share a common feature. For early readers, that common feature is typically the ending sound of the word.


Below is a list of Short I word families to begin with:

  • -ib
  • -id
  • -ig
  • -im
  • -in
  • -ip
  • -it
  • -ix

Pro Tip: Although words containing “ir” such as "bird" seem like they should be Short I words, they actually fall under a unique category called “r-controlled vowels” that are neither short vowels nor long vowels.

As children's abilities to blend letters improves, they  may move into more complex Short I word families such as:

  • -ill
  • -ink
  • -ish
  • -ist

Word families may be presented as a list of words for a new reader to practice decoding, such as the one below.

An example of short I word family -IN

The more a new reader practices a spelling pattern, the more ingrained it will become until reading and recognizing the spelling pattern becomes second nature.

Short I Decodable Text

Work with your child to recognize short I words. Begin by asking your child to read single words that use the short I sound. Then try stringing several words together to form a sentence. Below is sample decodable text featuring short I words:

  • The lid is in the bin.
  • Jim did a big jig.
  • Tim hid six bibs.

Note that each of these sentences features only CVC words. Once your child has mastered reading CVC words featuring the short I sound, try introducing short I sentences that feature consonant blends. Below are sample decodable sentences featuring short I words that contain consonant blends:

  • The wind lifts the list.
  • The twins spit in the sink.
  • Tim did a spin.

Pro Tip: Writing sentences without the words such as the, and, and is can be challenging. These words are high-frequency words and are among the first children memorize. Don't be afraid to include them in sentences, but to be sure to help your child read them.

Free Beginner Reader Books

Charge Mommy Books is committed to getting children the resources they need to learn how to read. But we know that not every parent and teacher around the world has access to our printed books. That's why we offer  free beginning reader books and resource on our site. Sample resources include:

  • PDF downloads of beginning reader books
  • Reader's theater
  • Decodable passages
  • Phonemic awareness activities
  • Seasonal activity packs

A picture displaying different free Charge into Reading Decodable Books and Passages.
All of these resources follow the same scope and sequence used in the Charge into Reading Decodable Reader Series

Practicing Short I Words

  • Once a child has mastered other short vowel sounds, encourage them to identify the vowel used in common words.
  • Print a short I word on a piece of paper, with a picture of the word on the other side. Do this for several words, all using the short U sound. Encourage your child to read the word. Then flip the card over to see if they read it correctly.

    Once your child has mastered short I words, add cards that feature all five short vowel sounds. Encourage your child to say the name of the picture word out loud as many times as needed to identify the vowel used. Then ask them to put the card in a pile labeled with the correct short vowel sound. Once all of the words are sorted, turn the cards over to see if the words were properly sorted.

  • Ask your child to read sentences featuring Short I words. Then test their comprehension by asking them to draw a picture of what they read.
  • Download our Short I activities and word lists below for more practice.

Charge into Reading Stage 1: Short Vowel Sounds

One of the best ways to practice short vowel sounds is by reading short vowel specific books. While printed passages are good start, the sense of accomplishment a child feels from completing a physical book cannot be rivaled. This achievement can make a child feel like a "big kid."

Grounded in the Science of Reading and designed in consultation with Orton-Gillingham trained literacy specialist Marisa Ware, the Charge into Reading Decodable Readers take the guesswork out of learning to read!

The Short Vowel Beginning Reader Set is perfect for children who know their letter sounds and are ready to begin decoding or "sounding out" words. Each book in the set focuses on a single short vowel sound, building reading confidence one sound at a time. Compelling storylines paired with a strict scope and sequence make for a series that children won't just be ABLE to read, but that they will actually WANT to read.

  • Five short-vowel-specific decodable books with a true beginning, middle, and end that a beginning reader can ACTUALLY read.
  • Simple sentences
  • Only 5 sight (high-frequency) words
  • 73 unique short vowel words.
  • 8 pages of short-vowel-specific literacy activities per book enable small groups or parents to transition seamlessly from reading to practicing literacy skills.

An image of a boy reading a Charge into Reading Short Vowel decodable reader

What can your child read today?

What is decodable to one child may not be to another. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Does your child recognize uppercase and lowercase letters?
  • Does your child know their letter sounds?
  • Can your child blend (sound out) 2- and 3-letter words, or are they getting ready to?

Use our reading assessment to find the right books for your child.

An image of the Charge into Reading reading assessment

Orton-Gillingham trained K-5 Reading Specialist Savannah Campbell's Review

I purchased 6 packs of the CVC set for myself . . . I have to say, I really think these decodables are spot on. I love that they feel like real stories, and there's even some fun activities in the back. They are true decodables and would be the perfect addition to any structured literacy classroom. — Savannah Campbell — K-5 Reading Specialist.

Learn Short I Sounds

Swim, Tim: A Short I Decodable Book contains a total of 18 words, all of which contain the Short I sound and is apart of the Charge into Reading Short Vowel Decodable Reader Set. Repetition of these words and spelling patterns allows children to gain mastery over Short I words before moving on to the next book.

Short I Activities

Short I Word Family Lists

Short I -IB Word Family LIst

A list of short I words in the -IB word family.

an image of the short I word family -ib

Short I -ID Word Family List

A list of short I words in the -ID word family.

an image of the short I word family -id

Short I -IG Word Family List

A list of short I words in the -IG word family.

an image of the short I word family -ig

Short I -ILL Word Family List

A list of short I words in the -ILL word family.

an image of the short I word family -ill

Short I -IM Word Family List

A list of short I words in the -IM word family.

an image of the short I word family -im

Short I -IN Word Family List

A list of short I words in the -IN word family.

an image of the short I word family -in

Short I -INK Word Family List

A list of short I words in the -INK word family.

an image of the short I word family -ink

Short I -IP Word Family List

A list of short I words in the -IP word family.

an image of the short I word family -ip

Short I -ISH Word Family List

A list of short I words in the -ISH word family.

an image of the short I word family -ish

Short I -IST Word Family List

A list of short I words in the -IST word family.

an image of the short I word family -ist

Short I -IT Word Family List

A list of short I words in the -IT word family.

A list of short I words in the -IT word image of the short I word family -it

Short I -IX Word Family List

A list of short I words in the -IX word family.

an image of the short I word family -ix

Short I Activities

Short I Tapping Out Words

One of the earliest steps in reading is recognizing the sounds that go into a word. Often this is achieved by tapping out each letter sound in a word. This Short I activity encourages children to sound words out and determine which letters work together to create a word.

An image of a short i words activity

Short I Word Family Pictures

Rhyming word families enable early readers to develop a base on which they can build by supporting greater predictability with reading and spelling. This Short I activity encourages children to match words and pictures that belong to the same word family, putting a focus not on the spelling of a word, but on the sound it makes.

An image of a short i words activity

Short I Word Search

One of the earliest steps in reading is recognizing the sounds that go into a word—and identifying the letters that form each sound. This Short I activity encourages children to determine the letters that make up a word and find them within the line of letters.

An image of a short i words activity

Short I Picture Word Match

Sounding out words (and ultimately reading) begins with understanding letter sounds. When several words all end with the same spelling pattern, this is called a Word Family. This Short I activity encourages children to identify picture words that belong to the -INK, -IP, -IG, -IM, -INT, -ILL, -ID, and -IN word families.

An image of a short i words activity

Short I Word Bank

The ability to sound out words and figure out what letters they include is one of the first steps in reading and spelling. Ask your child to say each picture word. Then work with them to figure out what ending sound the word makes and match it to the words in the word bank. This Short A activity focuses on -ILL, -IG, -IN, and -IT word families.

An image of a short i words activity

Short I Letter Change

Understanding rhyming words is rooted in understanding what makes two words the same and what makes them different. This Short I activity encourages children to create a new rhyming word by changing a single letter at the beginning of a word.

An image of a short i words activity

Short I Word Family Word Match

Rhyming word families are groups of words that feature either a common spelling pattern or a combination of letters with the same sound. This short I activity focuses on the -IG word family, encouraging children to identify the different words formed and match them to the appropriate pictures.

An image of a short i words activity

Short I Picture Maze

One of the first steps to reading is learning not only what their letters look like, but the sounds they make. This Short I activity encourages children to find only the words that make a Short I vowel sound by saying the name of each picture out loud and then following the path of Short I words to the end.

An image of a short i words activity

Short I Alphabetical Order

One of the first things children learn is how to sing their ABCs, but being able to sing a song and being able to put letters IN ORDER is not the same. This short I activity focuses on the -IN word family and encourages children to actively think about the alphabet and what order the letters appear in.

An image of a short i words activity

Short I Word Family Picture Word Match

Sounding out words (and ultimately reading) begins with understanding letter sounds. When several words all end with the same spelling pattern, this is called a Word Family. This Short I activity encourages children to identify picture words that belong to the -IN word family.

An image of a short i words activity

Short I Letter Formation

Writing letters means understanding how they are formed. And that means understanding how big or small a letter should be, and how high or low a letter should extend. Try drawing the sky, plane, grass, and worm lines for your child. Then teach them what lines each letter should touch!

An image of a short i words activity

Short I Rhyming Words

Kids learn to hear rhyming words early on, but being able to find them in writing isn’t always as easy. Learning to recognize patterns in words is a major step toward building a vocabulary of easy-to-read words. This Short I activity focuses specifically on learning to identify words that fall into the -ill word family.

An image of a short i words activity

Short I Beginning Letter Sounds

Drawing a correlation between phonetic sounds and the letters that appear in words is one of the first steps in reading. This Short I activity encourages children to recognize beginning letter sounds by matching the beginning sound they hear when saying the word with the correct beginning letter.

An image of a short i words activity

Short I Fill in the Blank

Being able to figure out what letters are missing from a word is important for building word recognition and fluency. This Short I activity provides the short vowel sound for each word, but asks the child to identify the beginning letter (also called the “onset”) and ending letter of the word.

An image of a short i words activity

Short I Decoding Sentences

Decoding text is an important part of reading comprehension. That means asking a child to read sentence without any visual cues, and then asking them what it said or what it meant. This Short I activity uses similar Short I words to engage children in decoding and understanding the full sentence, rather than just a single word.

An image of a short i words activity

Short I Word Lists

Short I Word Families

A comprehensive list of short I word families, with all short I word families on one page.

a downloadable list of short i words

Short I Word Family Lists

A comprehensive set of Short I Word Families. This collection of word family cards is downloadable and printable for use at home or on the go! Just print, cut, and start practicing reading short I words!

a downloadable list of short i word families

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